
Error Message: You are opening a video recorded with one...
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Author:  ChrisMass [ Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Error Message: You are opening a video recorded with one...

I've attached the image.

Every time I try to import a video into ipi mocap studio (taken with 1 PS Eye camera) it gives me an error: You are opening a video recorded with one camera. The program can handle only from 3 - 16 camera.

problem.png [ 632.41 KiB | Viewed 13414 times ]

Author:  vmaslov [ Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Error Message: You are opening a video recorded with on

Yes, that's correct. When working with regular cameras like PS Eye, the minimum number required for motion capture is 3. And we recommend at least 4 for reliable tracking.
In contrast, if you use depth sensors like Kinect, then the minimum required number is 1 (suitable for basic motions). And we recommend 2 for reliable tracking of most kinds of motions.

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