
scene tab in the software
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Author:  Hedii900 [ Fri Jul 22, 2022 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  scene tab in the software

hi everyone,

where is the Target (XYZ) coordinates in the scene tab? and where exactly is the reference coordinate (XYZ)?
i would really appreciate it if you could explain this to me. thanks

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Author:  vmaslov [ Fri Jul 22, 2022 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: scene tab in the software

You barely need these coords unless you do some scientific work (do you?).
Positions of cameras and their view directions are visualized in the scene (see the attached screenshot). Just walk around.
Camera targets are not visualized. A target is a virtual point at some distance from a camera along its view direction.
As for the coordinate system. The origin is located at intersection of two thick lines on the ground plane - it's usually somewhere near the center of a capture area. To see orientation of axes, active the Move tool. Its red arrow corresponds to X axis, green - to Y and blue - to Z.

2022-07-22 22_02_59.png
2022-07-22 22_02_59.png [ 165 KiB | Viewed 17528 times ]

Author:  Hedii900 [ Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: scene tab in the software

hi, thanks for your response. yes I'm actually doing a scientific thing. I want to locate the coordinate center at the beginning of the actors motion. should I use recenter coordinates on the character?

Author:  vmaslov [ Sun Jul 24, 2022 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: scene tab in the software

Recenter coordinate system on character puts the origin at the ground projection of the current position of the Hips joint (of a selected actor in case of multiple). Also, it changes directions of X and Z axes so that X goes left from the actor and Z goes forward.

Move coordinate system allows you to edit the origin position and directions of X, Z axes manually.

The ground plane is determined from depth data or from ground markers during the scene calibration. So it cannot be edited freely. However it can be adjusted slightly using the Ground plane fine tuning slider, effectively changing an Y coordinate of cameras.

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