
I see some guys use ps3 cameras but data bad ,some advice?
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Author:  jakehooli [ Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  I see some guys use ps3 cameras but data bad ,some advice?

I see some guys use ps3 cameras but data bad ,some advice?

Author:  andrew [ Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I see some guys use ps3 cameras but data bad ,some advic

Hello jakehooli,

What do you mean by "bad data"? If you're talking about low quality of color images from PS3 Eye cameras then actually they are good enough for motion capture needs. But if you mean bad quality of result animation, please share some details and videos with us.

Also, you can find sample videos and projects recorded with the aid of four PS3 Eye cameras here.

Author:  actorthrushe [ Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I see some guys use ps3 cameras but data bad ,some advic

I have the same problem, and now I hope I can receive some useful advices spacebar clicker

Author:  andrew [ Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I see some guys use ps3 cameras but data bad ,some advic

actorthrushe wrote:
I have the same problem, and now I hope I can receive some useful advices spacebar clicker

Did you try the latest version of iPi Recorder?

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