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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:04 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:19 am
Posts: 3
Hi, i don't know why but i have a lot of yellow noise when try to record a mocap

here is the image:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:26 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:34 pm
Posts: 2423
Location: Los Angeles
Hi nicbin,

Older Kinects always have noise and I wouldn't worry too much about that because iPi Mocap Studio will do it's best to clean up the data when you start tracking.

If you find you need need cleaner data, you need to upgrade to a better device. Kinect 2 data is somewhat better--I've actually used this for feature film VFX work--but Azure's data quality is a significantly better.

The bigger problem I see is your environment: there are a lot of shiny reflective surfaces, most notably the glass door on the right side. Kinect builds its 3D data using infra red light, and shiny surfaces can bounce that light and return bad data. IMO, it can help to hang a non-reflecting fabric over that door.

I see there are glass doors in the back as well but that glass appears to be frosted and it doesn't appear to be reflecting very much. But if it causes a problem, you may need to cover that too.

Shiny reflective floors can be a problem too. For example, notice how the ceiling is reflecting on the floor. The floor doesn't actually look too bad but I'd still toss a carpet over it. Back when I recorded mocap in our garage, I would place foam tiles on that floor. The material doesn't really matter, it just needs to be reasonably matte and non-reflective.

FYI, flat black surfaces can also be a problem but for the opposite reason: they can absorb the light and not bounce anything back to the Kinect. I don't see that issue in your environment but it's something to keep in mind when setting up Kinect devices for iPi Motion Capture.

Hope this helps.

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