hello to all; I'm sorry if my english is not corret, i'm italian, ahaha. I have one question. someone know how we get the quaternions as derived from Kinect?I'm doing a research from these quaternions. from Kinect i extract four number and i don't know as are obtained. I insert one example in Excel, in Yellow are quaternions. How are obtained???
one example below:
Quaternion X_LowerSpine Y_LowerSpine Z_LowerSpine -0,0371529 0,00022319 0,00600413 -0,0367362 0,00879774 0,00393431 -0,0410114 0,000950605 0,00204079 -0,0407975 -0,00184885 0,00160315 -0,0333212 -0,00962406 0,000175437 -0,029634 -0,0198281 -0,00476966 -0,0292089 -0,00819784 -0,0115912
thank you