After seeing the great demo by Seed Crystal Games Studio on using PS3 Move Controllers for hand movement, decided to jury rig two gloves.
Although I didn't go as far as gut the controller as much as they did, I will most likely work on a smaller controller housing in the near future.
Here's my process and resources.
30' roll of Velcro straps HomeDepot $19.95
- Could have bought less, but sure I'll use the rest for something else.
2 Gold's Gym Workout Gloves Walmart $9.95
2 PS3 Move Controllers Used Gamestop $29.99 each
Cut a 2 20" Velcro straps for each glove to wrap around controllers
Cut 2 1x1 1/2 inch Velcro for top of each glove
Removed rubber bulbs form ends of controllers as they are useless.
They do not just pull off.
I had to remove 4 small screws, part the 2 main housing pieces, (watch the ribbon cables) pull out the nose piece, and then remove the bulb. And then try and snap it all back nicely without breaking anything. Not hard, but don't force anything.
I decided to sew 2 small patches of Velcro to the back of each glove ruff plastic out for a better connect of the straps. Alternatively you could sew (or not) the straps directly to the glove. I wanted to give myself more hold on the controller yet more options later for other positioning.
I also stuck a 1 1/2 inch by 3 inch piece of sticky Velcro fuzzy side out around the bottom 1/2 of the Move Controller. This allows it to "stick" to the back of the strap or patch on the glove while I position everything else. (makes it easier to deal with).
Left all the buttons accessible for turning (PS button top center) ON the move controller and pressing the Start button on the side (actives record remotely if needed).
Total cost was $89.88 (plus some taxes) for all materials
And $14 for a ASUS USB-BT211 USB 2.0 Mini Bluetooth Dongle
Just my little side project.
LOVE to see if anyone is doing anything else.
Have not decided on gutting the controller totally for a smaller size, but like to hear any ideas.