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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:52 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:56 pm
Posts: 26

This is the problem I had:

-load video and calibration, proceed to refit, suddenly character goes all wrapped up in a ball of bones and geometry;

As I found out this was because of a mismatch between the camera numbers in the calibration file and the ones in the video.

Solution :

-open the xml file calibration (if you saved it as xml) and rearrange the cameras there (the number of the cameras is the order of appearance in the file, first camera is no.1 and so on), meaning move the whole block of info for a camera (6 lines) to the coressponding place. To find out the correspondence between the old camera numbers and the new ones, open the problematic video side by side with an older one using two IPI recorders and see which camera became which (in my case old no.6 became new no.3 and shifted the rest, 4 became 5 and so on);

Notes to self:

-always save a calibration as xml as it is easy editable;
-never unplug cameras between a calibration and a recording session as it seems IPI changes the camera numbers;

Hope this helps :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:27 am 
iPi Soft

Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:12 am
Posts: 2355
Location: Moscow, Russia

Recorder tries to keep the order of cameras between launches. However, cameras are identified by their device paths, thus connecting cameras to different USB ports effectively changes their order.
I recommend you to check after each reconnection that cameras are ordered in clockwise order (or counter-clockwise if you prefer that). FYI (in case you did not know) you can reorder cameras on Setup stage by dragging screens.

Anyway, your solution works well.

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