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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:53 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:47 am
Posts: 897
Location: Florida USA

I constructed this out of pvc pipe, a couple pvc couplings and a wood plank.

Traced my shotgun stock and slide, cut it out with a scroll saw, sanded smooth.

Screwed a notched piece of 3/4 in pvc pipe to it.

Used 2-1 in pvc couplings and screwed slide to them.

Used screws in pvc pipe to limit slide and make cocking noise and one set screw which I kept tightening as a slid the slide to create a shallow groove to keep the slide in-line.

I had all the components, so cost me zero to make, just a project I did to keep hand in correct placement of my real gun while performing a shotgun cocking action, barrel is shorter, but wasn't a need for that to be exact, just where the slide fell for the hand reach.



PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:31 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:34 pm
Posts: 2423
Location: Los Angeles
That's cool!

Somewhat related: When I'm recording 'Toullie's ukulele parts for the music video, I originally thought I should build a prop ukulele using a pvc pipe and wire construction but in my case that turned out to be unnecessary.

Instead, I use a Nerf sword because 1.) It's closer to Toullie's scale than an actual ukulele and 2.) it's less likely to occlude my arms or otherwise confuse Mocap Studio.

When I'm cleaning up the animation, I have to make a few adjustments to get the paws aligned properly to the cg ukulele, but for the most part the Nerf sword works really well as a stand-in. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:30 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:47 am
Posts: 897
Location: Florida USA

Well, I went out to try to buy a replica toy and that's not possible in my area anyway, the ones that were available were set for a kids reach anyway.

Then I went to look at the realistic air gun models they sell, all were military styled assault rifles, no pump shot gun style and cost way too much for just a prop.

I did find some toy replicas online, but again not full size reach, most were 30-32 in. from butt to end of barrel, so didn't worry with it, nice pistols if anyone is interested though :) I just didn't wanna pay that for use once in a while.

Just wanted something light, slim and have the correct stock and hand reach dimensions, so just came up with this.

Could have added a little more meat to the body of it, but wasn't really necessary.

Works for what I wanted to keep hands positioned to a real pump shot gun, even when cocking it fast.

I also found that using one of those squeeze clamps in the small, or mid-sized version works well for a pistol, it's even hard to find a toy pistol in the proper dimensions anymore, so improvising works just as well.


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