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 Post subject: Captoglove Support
PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:50 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:13 am
Posts: 1
I just started with ipisoft and I absolutely love it! I currently use 6 PS3 Eyes and am getting fantastic results and will probably add 2 or 3 more for extra fine details in subtle hip and shoulder movements. For accuracy, price, and convenience there is no other system out there (trust me I have spent countless hours researching and demoing many products) and I will gladly pay for a professional license when my trial expires. The only thing that's really missing from other higher end systems out there like OptiTrack and XSens is finger tracking. In my opinion if that capability was added it would be an absolutely game-changing feature that would make ipisoft the defacto mocap system and even make it a dominant player in the high-end enterprise mocap market based on the accuracy I'm seeing. Now that affordable consumer motion capture gloves like Captoglove and Hi5 are starting appear, are there plans to investigate finger tracking support for these products?

Captoglove on Amazon: ... ast_bbp_dp

PS I am a software developer in my day job so I you need development/testing support I'd be happy to help.

 Post subject: Re: Captoglove Support
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:18 pm 

Joined: Fri May 26, 2017 4:52 pm
Posts: 39
Hey, Glad you hear you are liking ipisoft. I myself use ps3 cams (6 of them). I do have the professional license to use more than 6 cams, but I don't think it will improve the tracking subtle movement capturing. Like you, I am in search of good mocap systems, and ipisoft is very accurate for it's price range. I also have Ikinema Orion with 8 trackers using lighthouse to track movements. it's realtime, so no processing needed (like for ipi, which is pretty fast on my 2080ti). Orion is better for subtle slow movements.. but it not as accurate as ipisoft.

It looks decent, but if you saw it along with the live video, you would notice where it's off.

one above is ipisoft with 6 ps3 cams in half circle room (now I have full 360 space), and it's pretty good. I'm trying to make some dialogue shots with ipi, and I feel, subtle slow smooth movements aren't being caught well in ipi.

btw, thanks for the link to the gloves.. it would be awesome if ipi would support that glove!!


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