
item tracking with visual (colour) markers
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Author:  Tudor [ Tue May 26, 2020 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  item tracking with visual (colour) markers


Just purchased basic. Working great. Precision is at times better than optical systems I have worked with and the skeleton generated is better than many other solutions as well.
I would like a few things to really make this product stand out as an even better alternative...

I would like to be able to capture the position of a chair, ball, stool, gun, etc etc.
I do not want to use PS move sensors.

Why do I want this?
I want to be able to capture a complete set with full interaction. I want to move a chair, book, or open a door.
I want to capture the suitcase the character is carrying and capture the swing of it.
I want to be able to bring in any of the assets I have available at the studio to be used, at any time without any setup time.
I want to be able to transfer this to my 3d program as a transform once done.

As we already use colors for recognition, could you not add a feature where colored markers are added to an object and those are used to track the object?
A ball could be single colored, just as the calibration is a dot.
A chair would need several color markers added to give 3 axis rotation.
A gun or similar may need 6 or so markers to give precision for two different end points to avoid jiggle. Possible only 3 markers but far apart to give line+orientation.

Perhaps tracking markers with patterns could be used?
This is already used by vfx companies where they add tracking markers to a set to help out with the tracking in post, and as we have multiple cameras we would get a quite exact result.

An extension of this is the ability to add precision to any capture you do. Say you have your "mocap suit" that is a long sleve shirt with different colored arms and also different colored gloves.


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