After the PS Eye calibration has taken place, I can see the dots are made of different colors. If I understand correctly, green more or less means "marker detection ok", and yellow "marker detection problem, but which could be corrected with the other cameras". I guess there could be red as well, but I never saw that for the moment, only DURING calibration.
Yellow parts of the trajectory on my last calibration led me to a camera with a marker misdetection rate of 18%, where all other cameras have 0.2%. I could see this is due to reflections of the maglite in the windows, which I will cover. Even if calibration succeeded, this means the background is not perfect, and will lower the mocap quality.
Is it possible, in a future version of ipisoft, to have in the "calibration" panel some kind of "global per camera marker detection rate", with a green light in front of the cameras where marker detection is fine, and red where there is a problem? This is in fact just a resume of what can be found in the scene panel, but it could be quite useful I think. This would be a good indication of the overall quality of the background.