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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:41 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:00 am
Posts: 4
Hi Everyone,

I want to know the best placement and height of 6 Logitech C922.

This URL says:
"Place most of the cameras at 1 - 1.5m height and one per each 4 at a greater height of 2 - 2.5m."
"You can improve accuracy by placing one or two cameras high over the ground (like 3 meters high)."

I understand these, but would like to know more about the exact placement and height of 6 Logitech C922.

Conditions are as follows:
・Actor height about 1.65 m
・Unlimited room size
・Unlimited tripod height
・6 Logitech C922 can be placed in a regular hexagon
・Mainly "sword game motion" and "dance".
 (Do not move far away from the center.)
 (Do not lie down or crawl on the floor.)

And I want to know the exact values of the following two:
・The distance from the center point where the actor is to C922
・Height of each of the 6 Logitech C922
 (And where should each be placed in the regular hexagon)

Any advice or recommendations you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:51 am 
iPi Soft

Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:33 am
Posts: 450
C922 wrote:
And I want to know the exact values of the following two:
・The distance from the center point where the actor is to C922

Taking into account that you don't need running and walking motions, you can place cameras relatively close to the center of your capture area:
4.00 m (+/- 0.5 m)

C922 wrote:
・Height of each of the 6 Logitech C922
 (And where should each be placed in the regular hexagon)

Exact numbers are not so critical for tracking quality, but to be more specific you can use configuration like:
  • 1 cam - 1.00 m height over floor
  • 2 cam - 2.00 m
  • 3 cam - 1.30 m
  • 4 cam - 1.60 m
  • 5 cam - 2.40 m
  • 6 cam - 1.50 m
  • view directions of all cameras must guarantee full actor visibility in all cameras during all movements

Also, it is better to pay more attention to the following aspects but exact camera heights:
  • avoid visibility of strong light sources in all cameras if possible
  • avoid moving and unstable objects on background in all cameras
  • avoid sharp shadows on actor/capture area
  • good contrast between actor and background

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