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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:52 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:00 am
Posts: 4
Hi Everyone,

Has anyone been able to connect two C922s to one USB3.0 port?
In my usage, two C922s must be connected to one USB3.0 port.

When I connect two web cameras "C922" to one USB hub and connect the USB hub to my laptop PC, "C922" are recognized.
However, I can't shoot simultaneously at 720p and 60fps.
With the iPi recoder, I get an error message "Insufficient system resources" and one C922 doesn't show anything.
(But if I set them to 720p and 30fps they can shoot simultaneously.)

The laptop PC only has a USB3.0 port, and the specifications of the universal serial bus controller are as follows.
・Two usb3.1 extensible host controllers - 1.10 (Microsoft)
・Three usb composite devices
・Two USB Root Hubs (USB 3.0)

As a result of trying different types of USB hubs (self-powered USB3.0 hub, self-powered USB2.0 hub, bus-powered USB3.0 hub), simultaneous recording was possible with the USB2.0 port of the desktop PC.
So my USB hubs are fine.

iPi Docs' "Cameras and Accessories" says:
"For USB 3.0, prefer active hubs which use an external power supply."

However, from these things, it is considered impossible to connect C922s to a USB hub and connect to a USB 3.0 port.

Is there a good solution to make sure two C922s are connected to one USB3.0 port? (such as operating a system with a USB 3.0 port)
If there are any specific products that have connected two C922s to one USB3.0 port, please let me know.
I think I need one of these two:
・USB hub
・Docking station with USB expansion card

Any advice or recommendations you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

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