Hi there!
I am currently trying out ipi mocap to integrate it into my workflow, however I need to optimize the process so I can get reliable results consistently.
What can I do to improve the calibration result?
Why does the avatar's pose get twisted and buckled knees
What can I do to improve the tracking alignment?
How can I deal with the error message (see below) as it appears to occur even when reloading the .iPiMotion file, effectively bricking that project
I have recorded the process of going through the following steps for easy and clear analysis:
https://youtu.be/TCjkxNu8hyI1: record calibration footage
2: calibrate
3: record movement take
4: track movement take
5: record 2nd movement take
6: track 2nd movement take
7: error message
This is the equipment I use:
1x mini maglite
3x cheap webcams from amazon
Help would be greatly appreciated, as this has the potential to be a really useful tool for me if I can extract the best results out of it
Error Log:
iPi Mocap Studio version [FREE TRIAL (21 days left)]
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 (64 bits)
CPU count: 12
GPU Information:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (VendorID=10DEh, DeviceID=2504h, SubsystemID=40721458h, Revision=A1h)
Primary: yes, Integrated: no, Compatible: yes, In Use: yes
Memory: 12 GB dedicated video + 0 B dedicated system + 16 GB shared system
Outputs: (3840x1080@60 R8G8B8A8_UNorm), (1920x1080@50 R8G8B8A8_UNorm)
GC: Workstation (Interactive)
Running in 64 bits
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at .#=zU0syBu1TMm89HOQ9Ww==(PoseData2[] #=z60e8bHx93QM58O_DRA==, PoseData3 #=zPZBL7CmHOVTY)
at .#=zVx0RY$Se63Fx(Int32 #=z0ffcHweYoLht, #=zIAq5ylE=)
at #=zYmoYyEJQyJvXePkrqjtuHmFPgFa_Ftl$pA==.#=zQLS6KRQ=.#=zdXuZq3GsoEuvvxK7YA==(Int32 #=zj7VXOyc=)
at #=zYmoYyEJQyJvXePkrqjtuHmFPgFa_Ftl$pA==.#=zQLS6KRQ=.#=zL$zjISsAMaP9()
at #=zYmoYyEJQyJvXePkrqjtuHmFPgFa_Ftl$pA==.#=zzzouoCkmnkBQ()
at #=zYmoYyEJQyJvXePkrqjtuHmFPgFa_Ftl$pA==.#=zQLS6KRQ=.#=zzzouoCkmnkBQ()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)